
Agape Men for Men

Our Vision is for Men for Men

Men, because of their gender are rarely listened to and yet they too have very significant problems. Unlike women and children, men are always thought of as able to manage all things which is really untrue.
At agape men we minister to men, with counselling, advice, and practical help where possible.

Feed the hungry

The Agape Developments Centre is an organisation or department in our church responsible for feeding the hungry. The Agape developments centre specialises in helping the less privileged our society.
Jesus said that you should love your neighbour as you love yourself (matt 22:39). We believe that the church exists to minister love to people. Ministry is demonstrating God’s love to others by meeting their needs and healing their hurts in the name of Jesus. We are to minister to all kinds of needs, spiritual, emotional, rational, and physical. Each time we reach out in love to others, we are ministering to them.

How we minister to those in need

Feeding the poor; Jesus said that; the spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised [Luke 4:18]

The ministry of Jesus involved the poor, so the church has been assigned to minister to the poor because Jesus mission is our mission. The church must go to the poor and feed them. The gospel is good news to the poor. Jesus demonstrated a special love and concern for the poor. He had compassion on them so should the church. Jesus never approached the poor as a kind of just a project; he genuinely felt the weight of their plight


We have a fund or ministry called – FEED THE HUNGRY MINISTRY.

We are committed to get involved with such people. We see many in our city of London; they need our attention as a church of Jesus, who came for them. As a church, we need to understand that it is our privilege for God to entrust us with such a great responsibility. It is God who gives unto us the breath and all that we possess

Go to the poor

Going to the poor helps acknowledge our need to stay sensitive to people who do not have the same privilege in material things. We do go to the poor and needy with a genuine desire to help or make a difference

Agape Men for Men

Children’s Church

Children are worth the time of their parents. The bible encourages us to teach our children diligently, talk to them and have a walk with them [Deuteronomy 6:7]. When they lay pray with them. When they rise, arise with them. Your time is worth your children.
Youth: Our Youth meet every Wednesday 6pm -7pm GMT

Our leaders are available to meet our visitors. Please contact our team to make an appointment